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Dette kurset har ingen fremtidige kursdato(er) oppført. Bruk skjemaet for å kontakte kursholderen for mer informasjon.
Blended Virtual Course
The course is a hybrid of virtual training and self-study which will be a mixture of teaching using Microsoft Teams for short bursts at the beginning of the day, then setting work for the rest of the day and then coming back at the end of the day for another on-line session for any questions before setting homework in the form of practice exams for the evening. You do not have to install Microsoft Teams, you will receive a link and can access the course using the web browser.
Remote proctored exam
Take your exam from any location. Read about iSQI remote proctored exam here
Requirements for the exam:
Dette kurset forklarer det grunnleggende i softwaretesting. Det er basert på ISTQB- pensum og er akkreditert av BCS.
Kurset inneholder øvelser, prøveeksamener og spill for å fremheve sentrale deler av pensum. Dette sammen med kursmateriell og presentasjoner vil bistå i forståelse av begreper og metoder som blir presentert.
«Særs godt kurs med mye fokus på praktiske oppgaver som gjør læring vesentlig lettere. Engasjert kursleder hjelper også. Kursleder starter på et nivå som alle føler seg komfortabel med.»
This section looks at why testing is necessary, what testing is, and explains general testing principles, the fundamental test process, and psychological aspects of testing.
• Learn about the differences between the testing levels and targets
• Know how to apply both black and white box approaches to all levels of testing
• Understand the differences between the various types of review and be aware of Static Analysis
• Learn aspects of test planning, estimation, monitoring and control
• Communicate better through understanding standard definitions of terms
• Gain knowledge of the different types of testing tools and the best way of implementing those tools
Testing throughout the software lifecycle
Explains the relationship between testing and life cycle development models, including the V-model and iterative development. Outlines four levels of testing:
• Component testing
• Integration testing
• System testing
• Acceptance testing
Describes four test types, the targets of testing:
• functional
• non-functional characteristics
• structural
• change-related
Outlines the role of testing in maintenance.
Explains the differences between the various types of review, and outlines the characteristics of a formal review. Describes how static analysis can find defects.
This section explains how to identify test conditions (things to test) and how to design test cases and procedures. It also explains the difference between white and black box testing.
The following techniques are described in some detail with practical exercises :
• Equivalence Partitioning
• Boundary Value Analysis
• Decision Tables
• State Transition testing
• Statement and Decision testing
In addition, use case testing and experience-based testing (such as exploratory testing) are described, and advice is given on choosing techniques.
This section looks at organisational implications for testing and describes test planning and estimation, test monitoring and control. The relationship of testing and risk is covered,
and configuration management and incident management.
Different types of tool support for testing are described throughout the course. This session summarises them, and discusses how to use them effectively and how best to introduce a new tool.
The ISTQB Foundation exam is a 1-hour, 40 question multiple choice exam. There is an extra 15 minutes allowed for candidates whose first language is not English.The pass mark is 65% (26/40) and there are no pre requisites to taking this exam.
The exam is a remote proctored exam
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